Wanted: Help Ordering a Yo Eddy..


Having emailed FC a couple of times with no reply, I have since learned they respond to FaceBook Messages; I am not on FaceBook..

Could someone please message them on FB and ask them to look in their Email Inbox for an Email from Matt, requesting a Yo Eddy Order..? Bit of an odd request admittedly, but I just don't want to sign up to FB for this one time thing..

Would be much appreciated.. 🙏
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Dude.. Thanks so much, appreciate it..

But yeah, does seem a little odd given it’s their suggested way [on their Website] of getting the Ball Rolling..

Will hopefully hear back from them soon..!


New member
I am in the same boat. Been trying to contact multiple different times via phone, email, website contact page and even Facebook. Would love to get on the build list!


I am in the same boat. Been trying to contact multiple different times via phone, email, website contact page and even Facebook. Would love to get on the build list!
I think, as mentioned in the screengrab above, that Chris has just been a bit busy with something else is all..

Have enjoyed a great Email chat with him the past few days and..


..paid the Deposit for my Yo Eddy Frame this afternoon.. :love:

8 - 10 Week Delivery.. SO FREAKING STOKED..!!