Recent content by I-ROBOT

  1. I-ROBOT

    Fat Chance Yo Eddy Rigid Fork 93/94 Suspension Correct LONG 170mm Steerer 1” BOI

    Just to note that this is NOT a Big One Inch Yo fork and the seller does state that in the description. But the BOI in the ad lead is a bit misleading. He is asking a fortune for it. Good Luck Scott
  2. I-ROBOT

    A collector's item

    As I alluded to in my post The Time Has Come, my 1987 18" Wicked Fat Chance is for sale. She has been collecting dust in my basement for a few years and I want it to go to a new appreciative owner. The are many custom touches and extras. I am asking $2200 or best offer. I can deliver anywhere...
  3. I-ROBOT

    ‘92 Slim Chance

    Nicely done! Love the set up Scott
  4. I-ROBOT

    The Time Has Come

    I am sorry guys. I have been traveling for work again and just catching up now. I will place a formal ad in the For Sale section and will reply to messages as well Scott
  5. I-ROBOT

    Fat Chance Team Comp

    Was that Wendyll's old bike?
  6. I-ROBOT

    The Time Has Come

    Here are some pics She is my custom 18" Wicked Fat Chance. Serial Number 87777. The chainstays were shortened just a little bit (>1/8"). The seatstays are straight gauge .028 dillsburg 4130. The rest of the tubeset is standard True Temper. Rear dropouts are double eyelet Shimano. (they welded...
  7. I-ROBOT

    Team Comp serial number

    Hello Scott Thank you for being such a long term owner! Since your TC has the press-in bearings, my best guess it was built in 1989. That would be the 9 at the end of the number. If I remember correctly, we did not separate the serial numbers by model then like we did later on. So your frame...
  8. I-ROBOT

    What size bottom bracket on ‘92 Slim Chance?

    As far as I remember, all the Slims had threaded bottom brackets. Chris never used the press-in BB on the road bikes Scott
  9. I-ROBOT

    What size bottom bracket on ‘92 Slim Chance?

    I believe the shimano bottom bracket will thread right into it Scott
  10. I-ROBOT

    The Time Has Come

    Gonna get off my lazy FAT butt and post pics by the weekend along with a list of extras Scott
  11. I-ROBOT

    Decals on top of BOI forks

    I got a set of decals for my Ti Fat from SSSink. They were perfect Not sure if you can just get the Yo Eddy head by itself from them though Scott
  12. I-ROBOT

    The Time Has Come

    Greetings to all the FAT COGS members out there! After much thought, I have decided to sell my custom 1987 Wicked Fat Chance. I wanted to put this out here first to see if any Coggers may be interested. I will post photos and a price later on. There will be several extras which I will list...
  13. I-ROBOT

    NOS 1993 Team Chance Yo Eddy

    Wow, I was just in Victoria two weeks ago. Would have loved to have seen it if it's still around. I did drop in at Goldstream Bicycles in Langford and had a fun conversation with the folks there. Very cool shop Scott
  14. I-ROBOT

    Looking for a 1990/91 Fat Chance Team Comp with Wilson dropouts

    Good luck! There's just not that many of them. We didn't build many of them as inventory. Most all were dealer orders and many of those went to the dealers or their employees as personal bikes. I can't give you any production numbers on Team Comps for any given year but I would estimate that...
  15. I-ROBOT

    Details on butting of 93 Ti

    I doubt that was intentional. More likely just the way the machining came out. We only had an old lathe and I'm sure it was not as precise as a modern-day CNC lathe. Probably some tool run-out. We couldn't afford to throw away any tubes that the machining came out a bit off-center. Good eye in...