Recent content by zonq

  1. Z

    Details on butting of 93 Ti

    It's funny how expensive we thought that stuff was at the time. Even adjusted for inflation, compared to the cheap chinese molded plastic junk that is sold for $5k-12k today, those handmade titanium frames were a steal.
  2. Z

    1993 WL seatpost issue

    Better sex through chemistry. Flip the frame upside down, pull the BB and get a hose down the seatttube opening inside the BB shell (when there isn’t a vent hole, make one with a small grinder end on a dremel), then feed either penetrating oil down the inside walls of the seat tube and let it...
  3. Z

    FAT CHANCE Titanium 1994 Large

    You found white Tomac Attacks! I have been watching for a pair of those for ages, & thought about just molding my own. I knew they existed.
  4. Z

    FAT CHANCE Titanium 1994 Large

    Looks great Stinger, it’s really great to see it done up so well too. & the Fatlanta decals turned out great! I tried to do that when I had it but got hung up trying to get velocals to do the “Titanium” side. …the hunt for a M/L continues…
  5. Z

    Rare or Cool FATs thread and pics that got lost in time…

    I think the story was there were 4 (or 5?) made. I worked on acquiring that one back when it was up, but as I recall, in the end the frame did sell for the full $4500 the seller was asking.
  6. Z

    Trade: a medium Ti Fat for this small Ti Fat. -$0

    Just wanted to take a minute and update everyone, the small Fat Ti did ship out. Congrats to Jason, & thanks to everyone for your patience. Hotwheels, had the deal fallen though, I would have jumped on your trade, since that was my original intent. Bummer on the timing. ...if you find...
  7. Z

    Trade: a medium Ti Fat for this small Ti Fat. -$0

    Hi everyone, sorry for the delay, since the semester started back up I haven’t found the time to spend dealing with the bike stuff. It had been spoken for, will update the thread either way.
  8. Z

    Trade: a medium Ti Fat for this small Ti Fat. -$0

    If you have a decent Med mass-built ti fat, and feel its slightly on the large side, we have the opposite issue. Shoot me a note and we'll swap. Otherwise, it's going back up on the bay with everything else.
  9. Z

    Latest FAT Ti review.

    I've owned mostly carbon frames back to the beginning of time, but have also owned a couple dozen ti frames from botiquey builders of all sorts. I don't see how anyone could try to compare a ti frame to a carbon frame at any quality level. We might as well be comparing coffee makers to phases...
  10. Z

    Butt Cheap ‘86 Frameset.
  11. Z

    Ti Fat - Wishbone rear end - Size M/L

    That's all I really need in life.
  12. Z

    Fat Chance Mixte bike - ???

    What the... Thought it was a fake but looks like the typical FC period correct build on it. Seller making a carnival game out of pricing it.
  13. Z

    Fat Wicked, Yo, Ti, parts + more

    I'd like to unload about 30 large-ish items clogging up my shop before Jan 1. Anything not sold by then will hit eBay in the spring. Pictures uploaded to photobukkit: Click on the Fatcogs link on the lefthand side to...
  14. Z

    Bro Eddy in Portland
  15. Z

    Supersized grello wicked in Durango