Don't have the bike here to try.. knobs are small so i am inclined to believe it fits.
btw.. any experience w/ those tires? i go everywhere on the wicked so the choice of short knobs.
My wicked fits me perfect but it's rigid and dirt drops are much better on my hands and arms for absorbing impact.
The bike is on the small side of the fit scale and i am afraid the drops may shorten even more the reach.. i have a nitto drop stem w/ 10cm extension..
any experiences?
The Pope is in Rio de Janeiro! Yesterday i was riding my Wicked through the city and went by a group of young peregrines.. as i passed by the last of the group, i read "Boston Catholics" on the back of their raincoats... I hit the brakes and thought "here i am riding this new england little...
Merlin mountain, Vandermark built.. the one w/ s stays. How is the handling? Saw the geometry and wheelbase was longer than Fats. Both spring from the same corner of the earth.
It's not exactly vintage but a 00 Mojo. It's what i am riding now since i left the wicked in Mexico and spending time in Rio de Janeiro (41ºC right now..).
It's faster and quicker than the wicked. Actually it feels totally different. I much prefer the Fat in technical woods but when it comes to...
I have 2 seatposts, both 26.4, both are really tight . I don't even need to tighten the seat collar. It's that tight. It gets worse the more i insert the seatpost. It's worse w/a suntour, less w/ the syncros.
Any idea on what's going on and how to fix it?
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