Ebay Shysters...
Well its time to report. And I'm doing my best to refrain from profanity. Remember that $2600 frame I bought. It came with 0.25mm deep, 4mm diameter gouge on the chainstay directly above, facing outward, the first toothpick mount. It wasn't shown in the initial ebay listing and wasn't shown in the additional photos I asked for and recieved. (in his small defense I did not specifically ask for a picture of that particular location). The frame was described as near mint so why wouldn't the seller alert users to the gouge. I know why, that would have effected the price of the frame! He's not stupid. And he's a bigot too. I had been trying to work the issue out with him but because I had been offshore I was a week in getting back to him. I quote from his last email to me...
"being a 37 year old-car free- bicycle
lifestyle lifer,it turns my stomach knowing it went to
someone in the OIL industry...booooooo"
You live and learn. Ask for photos of every inch of any frame you are bidding on. He offered a complete refund only, I guess so he could pass it on. However the frame has already departed across the pond. Opinions of others have put the gouge as not structural.
All I wanted was the dude to be honest.
And to top it call. He has accused me of faking the other Ti (the singlespeed) (I sent him a pic of it). He states,... wait a minute I can quote him again...(from the same email)
" i've got my ebay account programmed to email me
EVERY fat chance that comes up for auction in the
cycling catagory,yet i didn't see the ti fat you sent
me a pic of.i think you're seeing alot of ti fats
selling for that 1500-2000 price range you speak of,i
hope you realize,being new to the FAT bicycle
community,that those are all post serotta buy out
fats.....they're serottas with a fat chance sticker on
them....they're not fats.a sommerville mass. built ti
fat chance is extremely rare,thats why the guy you
were bidding against had such a high bid on the
frame,its a '93,the first year made,the buy out took
place in 94-they made this frame for only 2 years "
Anyway that's my story.
the Ti I purchased from Fishhiker is fantastic by the way...