Fat Frame wanted SOON

I could tell you i'm 12. Doing well at school and getting a good education should be your primary concerns especially at 14 - not starting a bike restoration business.

BTW how many successful bike restoration companies are you aware of?

Perhaps you should consider mechanical engineering.

Enjoy your youth

You could tell me that you're 12, but you just commented earlier on an "age limit" required. And I believe the term is "age requirement".


New member
Coming up with a business idea has got be commended, good luck with it. I think maybe a slight shift might help though. Fat chance owners are enthusiasts and as such take pride in what you want to make a business so I think you'll struggle to actually provide a service anyone wants. Now here's 3 bike related business where you might make money...

1 - Refinishing - Get and anodiser, laser etchers and chrome plater and set up refurbing individual components. I for one would pay good money to get a Cooks crank re anodised and laser etched or my Page polished and re-anodised.

2 - Decals - Good decals are hard to get, particularly screen printed vinyl. Work out a cost effective way that isn't inkjet and you're winning.

3 - Paint - Be amazing at painting, like really amazing and come work in the UK. There are no decent 2 pack paint shops here.

Good luck.


Hey,I just want to sayI think it is great to do what you want to do at your age. I personal have been riding,racing,& working on bikes at an age younger than your self.I understand your thought process, hahahaha. ( I'm still a kid ) but take in all that you can learn ( and there is a lot to learn ). Who Knows. 25 years from now you might be the next big frame builder or shop owner. keep the faith.and take it all in... Cheers!


New member
Kudos for the initiative.

Lots of good advice here. If I were in your shoes I'd see if I could find somebody to teach me how to weld. By the time you're old enough to have a post-ride beer (legally), you will probably have a skill that most of us (myself included) can only admire and envy. And you could probably make a few bucks while you're at it.