Interesting find

Yo Eddy!

Okay! Some work has been done and they are becoming nice now, if one asks me.

This T looks good:


The somewhat larger Eddy is a good idea. On the earlier it looked a bit 'lost'. Of course colour is a good thing for a FAT item. The T looks 'basic' and I even feel it could do pretty well without the logo at the back.

Also like the Aquafade logo. Hope one day the coloured logos will be available for the sweaters, as I always wear my T's under clothing.

...and it would be really Cool if the selling party included this sticker with every item sold ;)
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Yo Eddy!

Took delivery of my Sweater with Fatlanta Yo right on the chest and Fatlanta 'FAT city cycles' huge on the back today. It is very nice.

Think the above T will be a good excuse to start wearing T's for me.....


Staff member
Very interesting.

What's your garment like melvin? Good quality?

Not sure where I stand on this from a moral / ethical point of view

Yo Eddy!

Hi Rutteger,

Yes, the quality is okay. Nice garment, nice prints. Only ordered mine to large. I didn't follow the table on the site, but ordered somewhat larger as I thought one can better have something to large than something to small. I should have sticked to the table. Will order a smaller shortly.

On the ethical issue: I feel I am okay with it as long as 1) the stuff is worth the FAT logo and 2) Chris doesn't bother. So far it seems Chris doesn't. Wendyl maybe does, but at the moment I don't know whether I bother Wendyl bothers. All those decall issues that pop up all the time.... With the right stuff offered I tend to approving it, but with some reserve.

Kirk Pacenti

New member
I thought about it....

I had contacted Wendyl about buying the rights to the "Fat City" name and any and all trade marks. She said she had no interest in selling what so ever. Maybe there was nothing to sell?

Kirk Pacenti

New member
I will!

Doug Carter said:
She doesn't OWN the rights to sell... no one does. Check the US Trademark registry. ;)

Although, I'd feel kinda funny just taking the name and building bikes under that lable. What if any "ethical" implications are there?

What would this group think/feel/say about anyone who did build under a technically defunct and ownerless brand name with as much cashe as Fat City?

Doug Carter

Staff member
I don't think it would carry any "cache" unless the original individuals that were responsible for the design and construction were a big part of it. With Cris out of the bike industry completely, I don't think (personal opinion) that you would see nearly the interest that Jeff has seen with the Mountain Goat project, having Jeff Lindsay behind it. I don't even think those new bikes should carry the old Goat name, but that's just me. I'm kinda grouchy in a nostalgic kinda way.

Personally, part of the mystique of Fat City is that they are gone forever, and only a finite number have been made. It's a small group of individuals who are lucky enough to own one, and that it should stay like that. Doing anything else under the same name would only dilute the original aura (don't mistake that for value or excitement for the original brand).

My beliefs are that should the oceans part and Chris decide to return to the bike industry, it will be under a new name and brand. I think there are too many reasons to NOT keep the name alive in current product, but only in the hearts of the people who still have the old bikes.

Just my view...

Kirk Pacenti

New member
Doug Carter said:
I don't think it would carry any "cache" unless the original individuals that were responsible for the design and construction were a big part of it. With Cris out of the bike industry completely, I don't think (personal opinion) that you would see nearly the interest that Jeff has seen with the Mountain Goat project, having Jeff Lindsay behind it. I don't even think those new bikes should carry the old Goat name, but that's just me. I'm kinda grouchy in a nostalgic kinda way.

Personally, part of the mystique of Fat City is that they are gone forever, and only a finite number have been made. It's a small group of individuals who are lucky enough to own one, and that it should stay like that. Doing anything else under the same name would only dilute the original aura (don't mistake that for value or excitement for the original brand).

My beliefs are that should the oceans part and Chris decide to return to the bike industry, it will be under a new name and brand. I think there are too many reasons to NOT keep the name alive in current product, but only in the hearts of the people who still have the old bikes.

Just my view...

All very good points Doug, all of which I had thought about too. That is the reason for the "funny" feeling I had.

I strongly agree that that company was more about "who" than "what". And that could never be re-captured just by using the name.


New member
The last time I saw Chris just a couple of years ago he did not want to talk Fat shop at all. It seems there is some serious bitterness there for what ever reason. I know both Chris and Wendell both agreed that Ted would be the official go to person for repairs and such. Unfortunately Ted has given up his frame business due to health reasons he was trying to sell it but i have not heard of any new owners.

I'll give Ted a shout this week to see what he has to say.