Wanted: Fat Titanium Medium (17”-18”)


New member
Hello all! New to the Cog but an old Fat fan.

I’m looking to purchase a medium Ti Fat. I’m a 17” or 18”. Best shape possible. Please let me know what’s available. And if I’m not posting this in the proper place, by all means let me know!



Now that I’m thinking about it, everyone on here is probably looking for one. Anyway, if your looking to sell one or know of one, please let me know.
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New member
I probably won't sell mine, but I have been thinking about my priorities and number of bikes. I picked up a Ti Fat a couple years ago from a forum member here. I also have a '95 Yo that I bought new, and I'm pretty attached to it. Realistically, I only need one Fat hardtail to ride, so I've been considering giving one up. Any of you guys have thoughts on which one I should keep? And don't just say the Yo because you want my Ti Fat! ;)


New member
Think about your priorities! Keep your Yo Eddy!! What size is she? Can I see a picture?

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New member
Think about your priorities! Keep your Yo Eddy!! What size is she? Can I see a picture?

The Yo? Size medium. I don't have a photo handy, but it's shown in the frame registry section (post #533). The Ti is also medium, but no current photos to share.


New member
I have a medium Ti that I am looking to sell. Let me know if you interested and I will DM you some pictures