Yet another decal thread

Fat M

New member
Hey Doug,

still in need of Yo Eddy logos? I just noticed this thread, and I have a complete set @ home. Bought it some years ago @ ebay, but they turned out to be in the wrong color. So I never applied them.
I could send them to you, if this would help.


New member
I have some art...

I'm looking for decals as well - mainly someone to make them for me. When I first bough my YO in 91 I scanned the art and made some vector graphics of the standard YO Eddy Logo and a couple of other pieces of FAT art.

I'm sure I can dig them up...

Has anyone actually talkedto the guy from NC? I work with a bike builder who may be able to faciliate the order process for me.

Very happy to have found this site anf fellow FAT COGS...


New member
Doug, when do you think you'll be taking orders? When you do take 'em I'll be putting in an order for a set of Wicked and Yo decals. :D

Doug Carter

Staff member
Right now, I am working ont he artwork when I have time. It's a slow process for the simple reason that I spend my entire work day in front of a computer, and it's tough to get motivated to sit in front of one at home. My goal is to have the Wicked/Wicked Lite versions ready for proofing in the next week or two.

I'll post as soon as there is any new progress.



New member
That's cool Doug, I can't tell you enough how pleased I am to at last to be on the verge of getting the Wicked finished. :D
There's a lot of folk who'll be indebted to you, me included of course. :) I'm sure we all value the time and effort that you and indeed other FatCogs are putting in. I for one would like to be able to buy you a pint!


yo' djblu

New member
just an FYI i too work on a comouter all day... Nutty aint it. I have time this week to finish the Yo decal set I will email files to you doug so u can have them :)

Fat M

New member
I think it's time for a hearty thanks to Doug for the effort he already spent and still will.
He gets at last a big one from me here and now.

But back to the topic: 2 days ago, I bought a Yo in great condition. It already has been repainted, but the color is so ugly that I heardly can stand it. So I will give it away for a repaint.
Today I discussed the decal issue with a friend who's a shop owner and mechanic. He mentioned that clear coating the original stickers will be a problem: Basically, a frame can be either powder or wet coated. In both cases, the coat will be put on at around 200

Doug Carter

Staff member
The ball is rolling...


Jack Lantern

New member

I'll get in line for FC decals as well. I have an 88 Wicked that has a rather dated, unusual paint scheme and have been contemplating getting it repainted the same way if I could ever get the proper decals. It's black with orange & yellow splatters all over it, the "butt-rock special" I guess. I actually don't mind the splatter paint schemes from the 80's, definitely reminds people of how old the bike is and takes a bit more guts to ride 'em these days. It's serial number is 00718W which I'm pretty sure makes it an 88 Wicked but it doesn't have the "Wicked" portion on the DT decal....dunno why. If I missed this in an earlier post I apologize but I have the little American flag decal towards the top of the seat tube, not the "Don't Tread on Me" decal, and just wanted to know if that was going to be available as well?

Thanks for fighting the good fight, Doug!



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