I'll get in line for FC decals as well. I have an 88 Wicked that has a rather dated, unusual paint scheme and have been contemplating getting it repainted the same way if I could ever get the proper decals. It's black with orange & yellow splatters all over it, the "butt-rock special" I guess. I actually don't mind the splatter paint schemes from the 80's, definitely reminds people of how old the bike is and takes a bit more guts to ride 'em these days. It's serial number is 00718W which I'm pretty sure makes it an 88 Wicked but it doesn't have the "Wicked" portion on the DT decal....dunno why. If I missed this in an earlier post I apologize but I have the little American flag decal towards the top of the seat tube, not the "Don't Tread on Me" decal, and just wanted to know if that was going to be available as well?
Thanks for fighting the good fight, Doug!