Right, I know it's a little late in the day but I have finally got my head round uploading my photos of the party.
My wife and I brought a couple of my bikes over, my owned from new 93 Wild Cherry Candy Yo, and my Blue and Yellow 95 second generation Shock a Billy. We combined the party with a weeks holiday in Boston and New Hampshire, finishing off with the party in Stowe.
We both had a fantastic time, and it was really good to meet up with everyone.
I have got a selection of shots from the weekend here so enjoy:-
A very early frame that Chris made and the head badge and stars on the forks are all hand cut silver. This frame went back to California with Chris so hopefully it will be back on the roads at some point.
The 83 bikes of Greg and Mickey, plus an 83 frame that Chris had
3 Team comps. At this point there was much talk of segmented forks....
A very nice pair of Cross bikes. As has been previously said, the Wild Cherry Candy one is NOS.
A very nice tandem
A bike that really caught my eye, a Beetle Juice Wicked lite
A couple of shots from the Saturday ride. One of Chris and the second is of Hardy, our expert guide for the weekend without whom we would not of experienced the local trails along with I think Marty of Geek Bikes fame.
A shot from the even wetter Sunday ride. I'm afraid I did not take as many ride shots as I had intended due to the prevailing conditions..........