….and nominate a photographer to get lots of pictures !
OK here are my 12 Photos for today. A couple of highlights are (2) Criss Cross Bikes showed up, (2) '83 Fat Chances including MikeyNYC's with Red Tires & Greg's serial 831, (3) '89 Team Comps (including mine, Chainline (Eric) & the other Eric's.) A shock-A-Billy from the UK, lots of Yo's including one with Disc Tabs, A Monster, an '85, '86 & '87 Kickers all with original forks! Unfortunately Tom from Cape Cod broke his collarbone on the afternoon ride (on his '87 Kicker). He made it back from the hostpital to join us for the awesome barbeque & keg of local beer. Lots of stories about the Green Mountain Annual Huffy Throw which involved several local bike shops & Fat City employees drinking & hurling huffy bikes from home-made gigantic sling-shots & catepults. Anyway enough typing; here are some photos

The Fat Party Decends upon Belgen Cycles where owner Gene Bell has decided to build up his NOS Criss Cross after all these years today & he rode it up to the party!
Gene giving Chris a Huffy Throw T-shirt:
You've seen Eric (Chainline)'s Yo with disc brakes
Chris's '97 Ti with Externally Butted Tubes
A Couple of '83's including Greg's Green 831 & MikeyNYC's spectacular purple with Red!
& the '89 Team Comp Finale We had 3 of them!
Chris had the build logs from our Team Comps. As confirmed by Scott Bengston his initials were on all of the Team Comps. My 2-tone flourecent bike was actually completed on 12/31/89 & was the 2nd to last Team Comp built! Eric's 2-tone blue/white team comp has U-brake mounts on both the seat stays & the TC Box Crown Forks. He completed his beauty with an ultra-rare Mavic groupo. When else will you see (3) '89 TCs in one place & with Chris Chance to-boot?!
Maybe some more photos tomorrow.
Enjoy! Jon