Finally a fat chance owner


New member

I had to change some parts around. Both the stem and cranks were too long, and the only spare stem I had was oversized so I'm temporarily running some really narrow deda bars. In the near future I'll be running a set of white industries vbc cranks up front for a 2x10 set up but for the time being I stole the crank off one of my spare bikes. I have about 35 miles on the bike now between two rides and think I have the fit dialed in pretty good, though I still need to fine tune the brakes.


New member
Man that's nice! Been gone for awhile and great to be back seeing amazing FAT rides!

Thanks. I've put around 250 miles on it so far and even did a cross race with it. I've changed it up a bit and still have a little bit of tweaking I want to do but is a bike ever truly complete?