Mystery wicked

MTB Mania

Im investigating a very nice wicked that a friend recently found leaned up against a pile of furniture with a free sign on it. The serial number reads 01668w which leads me to believe its an '89. The paint is black with yellow decals and mostly in mint condition. The fork is also black which I was skeptical of because I thought the '89 unicrowns were usually yellow. Perhaps a repaint? I thought a repaint was unlikely because while the Fat logos could pass for new decals, the made-in-somerville and CC signature decals were cracking and looked original. The press fit BB is in excellent condition and there is a black sakae stem which could also pass for original. Interestingly, there are rack eyelets on the seat stays which Im not sure I've seen on other bikes. The rest of the build is definitely original or even era-correct. Any thoughts on what this frame could be? I tried to get a picture but I only had a cell phone camera and the memory was full! I'll try to get a decent pic next time I see the bike but for now, any ideas?


Active member
I believe that you have a 1988 Wicked. It is also likely that the fork has the original paint. We did do some all-black versions with yellow decals or sometimes white decals if a particular dealer ordered it that way.

Nice find

MTB Mania

Thanks for the insight! Im still confused by the rack eyelets on the seat stays though. Where wickeds ever built with those?


Active member
The rack mounts were available as options and some dealers ordered them if their customers wanted them. We would also install fender mounts or extra water bottle bosses if customers wanted them. All things considered, they are fairly rare. Probably less than 1% of Wickeds had them installed by us at the factory


Rack Mounts

I have an '87 Team Comp with rack mounts (original). It was sold with a FC unicrown fork as the original owner was (by rumor) on the heavier side and you factory folks were worried about the box crown (pre struts) not handling the weight as well as the unicrown.


New member
Fat Chance or Wicked?

Bought a Fat in 1990 from a friend of a friend who peeled stickers off making it less appealing to potential crooks at UVM. I think it was purchased at The Spoke, in Williamstown, I am pretty sure.
Black frame, yellow fork, original stickers were yellow(saw them pasted on his dorm fridge).
Mostly Deore components-hubs,crank,derailers, thumb shifters.
Anyway it's been in the barn for sometime and I have started riding again and now hope to get more info about bike. Completely lost track of friends I used to ride with in Bennington, who I could ask. Anyway as I said would now love to trace the origins. Any ideas?
I guess I need the serial from the frame?
Thanks for any info.