YO - it's finished


Staff member
My Yo. Built up early this week. I shout out needs to go to Doug Carter for allowing me to built this bike up modeled after his old Yo. I fell in love with the way his ride looked on his avatar and I appreciate his inspiration.

It is #405Y3SM, but was purchased in 1994. I am the 4th owner of the frame. It was originally teal, but I had it re-sprayed Team Violet by D&D cycles. I supplied the FAT decals (I was one of the lucky one that received them from Wendyll along with NOS anti-suck chain device and NOS seatpost gasket). D&D also re-sprayed the fork. The Rockshox Judy SL decals I had replicated by Veolgraphics. Everything is NOS or as close to mint as I could find. It is not period correct, but close enough for my liking. It is more of a mid 90's build. Thanks to everyone on this board that helped. I finally get to ride my dream bike.

hubs: phil woods custom anodized
bottom bracket: phil woods
wheels: mavic with panaracer dart/smoke combo
8 speed sachs maillard freewheel w/ Xt thumbies utilizing ghost click
saddle: selle italia ti flite
cranks: cook bros e w/ cook bros/campy rings
pedals: shimano spd
rd & fd: XTR m900
brakes: avid tri w/ kool stops
levers: Avid ultimate
headset: chris king
stem: ringle
grips: oury
bars: answer hyperlite w/ combo bar ends
seat binder: fatchance

seatpost: syncros (not period. desperately looking for black ringle moby 29.4mm, please help)

Time to ride! :)


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fat-tony said:
thanks for the comments guys!

Wow, amazing attention to details-Love the Purple Phil Hubs, never saw those before and I even noticed the purple cable ends! Looks like it took a lot of work!



New member
Very nice build. I was inspired by your frame pictures and sent a Yo to D&D for the Team Violet treatment. You should get a commission ;)


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bushpig said:
Very nice build. I was inspired by your frame pictures and sent a Yo to D&D for the Team Violet treatment. You should get a commission ;)

I posted some info over on mtbr and someone explained that the paint might chip easy. Someone posted to always ask for "the good paint" ? So keep that in mine. I think Rumpfy over there has had some frames painted that he stated seem to chip easy from D&D.

I don't have any chips but want you to have a heads up. Thanks for the kind words.



New member
Fat T,

i had no idea those tires were going onto such a nice ride. they bike looks insane! great attention to detail. i am happy to see other people have the same hobby as myself. enjoy the ride.



Staff member
settemarche said:
Fat T,

i had no idea those tires were going onto such a nice ride. they bike looks insane! great attention to detail. i am happy to see other people have the same hobby as myself. enjoy the ride.


Thanks again for the skid plates! The stem came from Lucifer. I appreciate the comments!

Doug Carter

Staff member
Tony, that bike is stunning, and brings a tear to my eye. That's the bike I want to build again! It was the motivation for this forum's design and color, as well as the impetus for the start of the site in general. I love that bike.

Next time we come down to B'ham to visit some of my wife's family, I'm gonna have to find you. :D



Staff member
Doug Carter said:
Tony, that bike is stunning, and brings a tear to my eye. That's the bike I want to build again! It was the motivation for this forum's design and color, as well as the impetus for the start of the site in general. I love that bike.

Next time we come down to B'ham to visit some of my wife's family, I'm gonna have to find you. :D


Thank you Doug. I just sent you a PM

bruce t

New member
gorgeous build....

Hey Tony,

Congrats!! Looks great!! I like the Phil hubs and BB, did you have the hubs anodized yourself, or did Phil hubs come like that back in the day?

I've just about finished my Team Violet Buck, waiting on a Thomson seatpost for it -- hopefully it'll come this week or early next.

Great looking bike!

Cheers, bt


Staff member
bruce t said:
I like the Phil hubs and BB, did you have the hubs anodized yourself, or did Phil hubs come like that back in the day?

Hey Bruce: Thanks for the words. The hubs are actually new and I removed the shells and sent them off to have them custom anodized by another company. I tried to special order them direct from Phil Woods in the 3dv color, but they wouldn't play, so I found another means.



New member
hey, does anyone know the contact details for D&D cycles? Do they respond to emails or best to call?


Staff member
scant said:
hey, does anyone know the contact details for D&D cycles? Do they respond to emails or best to call?

If you are still interested since Kirk mentioned they are backed up, contact Rick at D&D. You can give him a call at: phone; 510 278 2976, FAX;510 278 6553.
He is in San Lorenzo, California and has no email.


New member
"easter egg" yo eddy

Great Build Tony.. send some pictures when its got some mud on the frame... We want to hear how she rides!

Your bike brings back memories.. I recently sold this Fat Chance (picture attched) that I purchased in 93/94 timeframe and replaced it with a Merlin.. Not as nicely equipped as yours but I certainly got alot of good hard miles and great memories out of this bike...

Enjoy your Yo


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