There is rust bubbling through the paint 360
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There is rust bubbling through the paint 360
The current chrome headset is rusted and corroded. It isn't a big deal to replace it with a $12 Deore DX.
So the seller of the Eddy is being a bit difficult on the issue of the undisclosed rust. He isn't prepared to even cover 1/4 of the labor to replace the seat tube. I'm getting pretty irritated with him and his slow responses, and I'm ready to file a claim with PayPal. At this point, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the Eddy.
Sour, until yesterday at about 10am.
I wasn't getting anywhere with the seller, who gave me an ultimatum of either, A) a $50 refund, or B) send it all back on my dollar. With a $90 shipping bill, neither option was acceptable. He got difficult, so I filed a PayPal dispute to let a 3rd party arbitrate.
Then, as we agreed to have everything returned to him and split the shipping back to boofu, I got the strangest e-mail from eBay/PayPal that offered me a "Customer Courtesy Coupon." Ever heard of that? Me neither. I actually called eBay right after I got it to make sure it wasn't a scam or an eBay spoof. It wasn't.
They gave me a coupon for $500 on eBay, expiring at the end of June! :redface: :redface:
Ten minutes later, I got my refund from the seller in full, plus $45 to cover the return shipping. :redface: :redface: :redface:
It was a crazy eBay morning yesterday, so I'm back to having the one Fat, as my long-sought Yo Eddy heads back to the frozen tundra of Alaska. But I DO now have a little more to spend on the right bike when I find it.
Thanks guys, but as I have found over the last few years, a M/L from '91 through '94 has been the proverbial needle in a haystack. I donno why, but it's been a difficult find. I don't want a Serotta-built bike, and I want a Yo Eddy. I loved my 18" Wicked Lite, but it just wasn't the same.
I'm intrigued about the Team Violet Eddy and Shocka in the Classifieds now, but they are both Mediums. I know the size difference is minimal, so I might jump on one of those if they become available.