Search results

  1. I-ROBOT

    A collector's item

    As I alluded to in my post The Time Has Come, my 1987 18" Wicked Fat Chance is for sale. She has been collecting dust in my basement for a few years and I want it to go to a new appreciative owner. The are many custom touches and extras. I am asking $2200 or best offer. I can deliver anywhere...
  2. I-ROBOT

    The Time Has Come

    Greetings to all the FAT COGS members out there! After much thought, I have decided to sell my custom 1987 Wicked Fat Chance. I wanted to put this out here first to see if any Coggers may be interested. I will post photos and a price later on. There will be several extras which I will list...
  3. I-ROBOT

    Jacquie and Charlie

    Today is Jacquie Phelan and Charlie Cunningham's 35th wedding anniversary. That's right, they were married on 8-8-88. Jacquie was the Women's National Mountain Bike Champion in the early 80's and Charlie was a talented bike builder. Charlie was seriously injured a few years ago and still faces...
  4. I-ROBOT

    NAHBS Hartford

    Hey Gang Just bought a ticket to NAHBS in Hartford for Saturday 2/17 and will be wandering around conducting surprise welding inspections! Actually excited to see some really cool stuff and people I haven't seen in quite some time. Looking forward to it Scott
  5. I-ROBOT

    Redbones Bike Party

    Hello Gang Just found out about a bike party at Redbones BBQ restaurant in Somerville MA that is happening tonight June 6 and allegedly Chris Chance will be in attendance. I'm going to try to make it in spite of the short notice. Will post photos and whatever else afterward. Happy...
  6. I-ROBOT

    It was 20 years ago today...I think

    Hello Gang If memory serves me, it was 20 years ago today that the power company entered 18 Linden Street, opened the main power box, yanked the fuses, and then padlocked the box; thus ending the run of Fat City Cycles in Somerville, Mass. I had just finished welding a Slim Chance frame...
  7. I-ROBOT


    Hey Gang I will be 55 on 12-12-12 Was just thinking about how my ex-wife threw a surprise 30th birthday party for me and Chris and Wendyll showed up along with a bunch of the kids from the shop. My sisters hired a belly dancer to perform and she was awesome! I was completely shocked. Hard to...
  8. I-ROBOT

    Scott's World Tour 2011

    Hey Gang Just got back from a whirlwind tour of South Korea and China. Found a really cool velodrome in Changwon, Korea. It wasn't open, but I walked around it and took a couple of shots of myself outside of it. The scooter drivers in China are absolutely crazy!! no regard for traffic laws...
  9. I-ROBOT

    Hoss Rogers

    A few days back, somebody mentioned Hoss Rogers after I identified him on a hang tag. I sent him a message and, sure enough, he turned out to be The Hoss Rogers who painted at FCC for a while. He did the original paint on my 1987 Wicked and yesterday he sent me a pic that he found of his Fat and...
  10. I-ROBOT


    FOX TV's new show Human Target stars Mark Valley as the hero. His character's name on the show is :confused: - you guessed it - Christopher Chance Coincidence?
  11. I-ROBOT

    My New Job

    Hello All, On Monday September 10th, I will become a Supplier Quality Engineer for Riley Power based in Worcester, MA. As soon as I have an email address with them, I will post it for the group. I have enjoyed my time in the bio-pharma equipment business. It was not as much fun as building...
  12. I-ROBOT

    My Fats

    Hi gang, I've been really busy lately and haven't been on for a while My wicked is a 1987 model SN 87777 I shortened the chainstays a little when I built it. It's on its third paint job Originally, it had a white main triangle with red / blue harlequin stays and box-crown fork It then became...