No Hugo is still waiting for the packet ! I'm hoping the carrier pigeon has not been eaten by a hungry Belgian before in crossed the Channel.
Very good !!!
No Hugo is still waiting for the packet ! I'm hoping the carrier pigeon has not been eaten by a hungry Belgian before in crossed the Channel.
I was thinking the same thing on clothes! My gut isn't getting smaller for some reason. hahaha.
are these still available?
I need 3 .
Sorry to answer you late, I have a lot of work at the moment.
I make green seal collar, size 29.4, price 8€ per each and other parts ...
I can made some parts in resin, parts are in flexible or stiff resin :
-Syncros stem caps in 1" renforced than original 7€ per each
-Syncros stem caps in 1"1/8 renforced than original 7€ per each
-Grafton cover lever, same design than original 15€ per one pair
-Shimano XT-730 or DX brakes cover 20€ reduce to 16€ per one pair
Please post here first with your request then PM me!
Shipment costs France - France(0-2kg) = 2€
Shipment costs France - EU/UK (0-2kg) = 10€ reduce to 3€ for classic postage, 6€ for tracking.
Shipment costs France - USA (0-2Kg) = 18€
Payments via Paypal gift inclusive paypal costs (if there are any).
Greetings Mojo.